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Thiện Quang
Caodaism is becoming \"globalized\"
I am also interested in hearing more about ways in which Caodaism is becoming "globalized"----linked to communities in other countries and part of an international conversation.
From your question, “globalized” may refers to something belonging to what we call “phổ độ” (“universal salvation”) in the full name of Caodaism, “Đại Đạo Tam Kỳ Phổ Độ” (“the Great Way for the Third Universal Salvation”). And in this context, we can talk about “globalization” as the process in which Caodaism becomes a world religion and reaches its goals of salvation.
The Universal Salvation is a great project that aims at the supreme enlightenment for every individuals and the peaceful life for every societies. Based on the principle “God-Man Unison”, this project is owned by God, managed by Divinities, and executed by Man. “Man” here includes all individuals and communities in the world without exception. Each person in mankind has an irreplaceable mission in enlightening himself or herself as well as in enlightening others; similarly, each community (such as nation, religion, political party, etc.) has an important mission in building the peaceful life worldwide. However, in order to complete their missions successfully without conflicting with each others, people need to join God and work with God in this universal salvation project as the missioners of God.
By this reason, the basic way for Caodaism to implement the project is to awaken people to their own roles in salvation and help them to execute their missions. The more successful these missioners are, the more “globalized” Caodaism is becoming. When mankind as a whole will be awakened, the world as a whole will change by itself to be peaceful.
In mission of Cơ Quan (i.e. Cơ Quan Phổ Thông Giáo Lý Đại Đạo, or the Organ for Universalizing Cao Dai Teaching), we contribute to the Salvation by universalizing doctrine of Great Way. This work includes
• propagating the God’s dharma,
• popularizing the God’s teaching, and
• relieving people of their sufferings.
In each kind of such activities, we are required (by God) to work as a link for brotherhood among communities in the world. From this requirement, the universalization of God’s doctrine not only means to help people to understand the Truth of Great Way but also means to make Caodaism to be unified in spirit and to adapt to all nations, all theories and all circumstances.
By practicing and universalizing God’s teaching, we foster the growth of Caodaism and make the Caodaist ideology to affect the world. Starting from self-improvement, we improve our religion and develop good relationships with the communities which related closely to us such as our nation and other religions in Vietnam. Our members in other countries, from Europe to America, also have the same efforts. What we have achieved so far are still modest, however, it is a meaningful contribution for Caodaism to grow in the right direction today.